Using God's word to slay the jabberwocky that is satan...

Using God's word to slay the jabberwocky that is satan...

Michelle M Guppy

Wednesday, January 16, 2013


I am convinced that what is needed in spiritual matters is reckless abandonment to the Lord Jesus Christ, reckless and uncalculating abandonment, with no reserve anywhere about it; not sad, you cannot be sad if you are abandoned absolutely.

There is no royal road to becoming a worker for God.  The only way is to let God in His mighty providence lift the life by a great tide, or break it from its moorings in some storm, and in one way or another get the life out to sea in reckless abandon to God.... We say, "Let me get back to the 'duck pond,' to its limitations, where all is so simple and placid and easy to understand."  We may go back to our "duck pond" and be a success there, but God wants to launch us out into the ocean.

Abraham's obedience was far from perfect, but its great characteristic was its unreservedness.  Abandon in the profound sense is of infinitely more value than personal holiness.

The note of the Christian life is abandonment to Jesus Christ.  That life is not a hole-and-corner business whereby I look after my own speckless whiteness, afraid to do this and that, afraid to go anywhere in case I get soiled.  The whole life is summed up in a passionate absorbing devotion to Jesus and the realisation of His presence.
--- The Quotable Oswald Chambers

I'm coming to love that word -- abandon.  And what it should truly mean in my life.  The place it should hold in my life.  In my every day.  Every moment.  How often am I "abandoned" to my Twilight books.  My music.  A movie.  Abandoned in love for my husband.  Abandoned to healing my son who has autism.  Abandoned to his very autism.  Abandoned passionately to so very many things -- except the one thing that matters most:  Following Christ.

What, or who, are you abandoned to more than Following Christ?  Seeking Him?  Praying to Him?  Reading His words?  Serving Him?